uncover the mind-blowing reality of pure Consciousness by emptying the mind
of thoughts and emotions, ending the seemingly perpetual mental commentary, and allowing the
mind to return to the abiding presence of stillness. In the radical truth of this dimension (Awareness) all sense of individuality dissolves,
and we get to realize beyond the doubting mind that all really is One. More than that, in the
depths of the non-dual realization there is no other,
and other dimensions (body, mind, world) appear unreal and illusory.
the earthly human experience still goes on. It’s all very well realizing that
everything is One, but in order to communicate this evolutionary and
fundamental truth, it has to be shared. In order to
accomplish this, duality comes back into play. The
individual who experiences non-duality may sense they are not a body or a mind,
but in terms of the earthly human experience this is an incomplete truth. The sense
that ‘there is nothing to become’ or ‘no one here’ or that ‘we are all already enlightened’ denotes the individual has not yet fully
grounded the non-dual experience. Although the non-dual realization is timeless, existing beyond the mind and eternal, paradoxically it takes time for us to come to
terms with this life-changing experience. Time for it to sink in. Otherwise we may remain clinging to the stupor
of Oneness, oblivious to the evolutionary potentials of human consciousness.
‘We cannot ‘remember’ Awareness, because the true
Non-dual experience takes place outside of time and space. It is not recalled
through memory, simply realised to be the ever-present sweet perfume of Life.
From the Non-dual 'Universal' experience a 'grounding' takes place because you
are bringing THIS which was uncovered beyond the physical senses, back into the
comprehension of those same senses, the Being into the consciousness of the
Human, and the formless into form. In this way, Awareness is seen and felt to
permeate all dimensions of being without negation of any aspect of who or what
we are.’
When we are ready to let go of all these
experiences, something else happens. They converge, and as they converge, a ‘new’ consciousness beyond dualism
and non-dualism emerges, resulting in an all-inclusive and multi-dimensional
way of thinking, acting and being, a fully flowing, synergistic embodiment which naturally
benefits the whole. This is One-duality and the wholistic dimension of the Soul.
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