Thursday, December 24, 2015


What YOU are is Spirit.
Who You are is a Soul.
Awakening is a maturation, an on-going process of ripening occurring as the living presence of the Soul begins to solidify within the foreground of human consciousness. 
For the Soul to surface, to reclaim it's natural place of residence, the individual identity and the Universal non-identity must ripen and fall way, allowing the Unividual nature of the Soul to appear.
You are always awakening ‘to’ your Soul because your Soul is ever-present and Life is eternal and infinite. 
There is no ending, as there was no beginning. 
The idea ‘I am awakened’ is an individual projection, and as the idea of any achieved ‘finality’ is a mind-based and time-based assumption, it can only reflect a part-truth at best. 
To believe or suggest one is ‘awakened’ is most likely an ego-based desire drawn from a need to be seen and recognised as such. 
The Soul doesn't want to be or have, it just IS. 
Claims of distinction, separation and heartless anonymity are alien to the consciousness of the Soul, which knows itself to be simultaneously unique and Universal. 
Each and every Soul is here on planet Earth to live it's awakening. 
From the grounding of the anonymous Non-dual experience, consciousness becomes integrated and balanced, so that individuality and universality converge, becoming One. 
This is One-duality where the Soul exists beyond and within.
Here, there and everywhere. 
Of this world ~ and not of this world. 
Both and neither. 
One and the other. 
The Soul, the truth of who You are, is the key to authentic transformation, and the catalyst for individual, societal and global Change. 
Let your Soul shine in 2016, it's the greatest gift you can share in the world, with the world and for the world.

JH ~ Christmas Eve 2015

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


If you'd like to receive a FREE advanced reader copy of my new book YOU are THIS - which is being published by MANTRA on Jan 29th 2016 - please sign up to receive the book online at Story Cartel
All I ask in return is for your honest reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble etc. 
If you enjoyed and benefited from the works of Eckhart Tolle, Gary Zukav and others, you will find this challenging book of interest and value. 
Your support is genuinely appreciated, and so helpful to authors like me, who are signed to small or independent publishers with only a small promotional budget available. 
Early reviews on are very positive; 
"...a spiritual classic ... this knowledge is too good not to be shared!"
"This is not another `self help' book. This is an invitation to an internalized map of being."
"The author is clearly an expert regarding this subject matter & in my view qualifies as a modern day mystic."
This is a limited time offer.
Thanks & A Very Merry Christmas to ONE and ALL ho ho ho ! 

Monday, December 21, 2015

New review for YOU are THIS - from author Jeff Maziarek on

Dec 19, 2015 5 star review: 

Excellent book for experienced spiritual seekers.
From an overall viewpoint this is a well-written work that provides valuable insights for readers who have a keen interest in spirituality and the concept of enlightenment. The author is clearly an expert regarding this subject matter, and in my view qualifies as a modern day mystic. It is important to note that the content in this work is very deep and intense as well, and as such from my perspective this is not a book for those who are just embarking on a path of spiritual growth. It can, however, be of great value for individuals who have walked such a path for years and are comfortable with metaphysical concepts. I really liked this work, and look forward to reading other books by this author.
~ Jeff Maziarek - author of Codi's Journey

[I personally recommend you visit Jeff's inspirational messages site at - for genuine contemplative inspiration.]

Check out more early reviews for YOU are THIS here;

And please take a minute of your time to like and share my new FB page for YOU are THIS:

Many thanks ~ 


Monday, December 14, 2015

YOU are a KEY to Authentic ACTION

"You are a Spiritual Activist, a Universal Warrior, for You are willing, open and available to the possibilities of Change and Action so that a safe world and a new humanity can emerge. It is the Unividual Soul, conscious of the Divine Reality, who, with the help and support of fellow Souls, facilitates THIS without needing to plan or specify an outcome. Trusting and allowing THIS to emerge from the depths of consciousness permits a natural unified solidarity, a synergy of Wholeness which has the potential to transcend the density of beliefs and patterns which previously held us back."

© J.M. Harrison YOU are THIS: Awakening to the Living Presence of Your Soul (MANTRA – Jan 29th - 2016).

Thursday, December 10, 2015

What's THIS all about?

"THIS is the recognition that beneficial, lasting and Authentic Change for the Whole is brought about through embodying the impulse of our essential Oneness. It will not happen overnight. Change and Action will first take place as an escalating individual to Unividual metamorphosis before it becomes the expanded worldview consciousness. There is not a specific time or event which will make THIS obvious. The old will fall away as the new comes in. Indeed it is already taking place. And You have a role to play in THIS. Not as a mego, not as a nobody, but as a Soul walking the Earth. If you can learn to be and express the truth of your Soul, how you will be living and what You will be doing will bring joy and fulfilment to the Whole. In THIS way we can explore the potentials of Consciousness, evolving a new worldview rooted in Love and Peace rather than continuing an animalistic global culture of greed, selfishness, war and fear."
© J.M. Harrison YOU are THIS: Awakening to the Living Presence of Your Soul (MANTRA – Jan 29th2016).

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


“This is not another `self-help' book. This is an invitation to an internalized map of being. And Jonathan is a generous and loving guide.”  

Grady Harp – Hall Of Fame & Amazon Top 100 Reviewer - December ‘15


"The seeing or recognition of the Universal may bring about the end of seeking, but it is not the end of THIS. There is no beginning and no end to THIS ever-present, ever-growing and ever-expanding human consciousness. Even the Universe itself is expanding as these words are being written. For the vast majority of the world’s population, the knowing that YOU are Awareness is a stepping stone to the next paradigm in human consciousness. The seeing of what-YOU-really-are is the catalyst allowing Awareness to appear in the world as You."  ©J.M. Harrison YOU are THIS: Awakening to the Living Presence of Your Soul (MANTRA – Jan 29th2016). 

Monday, December 7, 2015


"If what you are lacking and trying to find is pointed to or described as being That, then it suggests you are presently separated from what you seek. You will be separate from it if you are seeking for it, because you have identified with the idea that it is not here. But you can never be divided from what you are trying to find, because what-YOU-really-are is the ever-present, all-inclusive THIS. A fractured or individual consciousness is the only obstacle to THIS. It is only the mind’s patterning which proposes something is missing, and the way forward is hard and complicated. THIS is simple and effortless. It is what-YOU-really-are without trying to be, for it is our essential Being."
©J.M. Harrison YOU are THIS: Awakening to the Living Presence of Your Soul (MANTRA – Jan 29th 2016). 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

YOU are THIS - quotes to make you not think!

‘Your Soul is your Soul. It is not mine, and yet they consciously share the One undeniable essence. They are family. They are simultaneously separate yet inseparable. They are integral and unique. They are not one and the same - but two and the same! A Soul is beyond ideas or logic. Like the atom, it is both dual and Non-dual, for it arises from the recognition and convergence of the two from the One. In Soulness, you live duality and non-duality as interdependent and complimentary, without attachment or preference. The Universal-Individual or Unividual is conscious that it is a part and a Whole, or a Whole-part. THIS is the homogenised truth of One-duality, and the natural emergence of the consciousness of the Soul.’

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Need some soulful inspiration?
Can you spare 2 minutes of your time today Wednesday 2nd December 2015?
Then please take a look at my article at:   
I’d really appreciate your support... and if you like it, please share with your friends...
Many thanks,

Sunday, November 29, 2015

INTERVIEW on SPIRITUAL MEDIA BLOG - "The News Source for Spiritual Entertainment"

Here's the LINK to my interview with Spiritual Media Blog's Matt Welsh.


When we believe life to be absolutely separate - then consciousness is led by dual conditioning, or what is commonly referred to as individuality. Ego, self, me.

When human consciousness is absolutely identified with the One True Self of Awareness, the inseparable foundation of all-that-is, then it can be said to be universal. Non-ego, no-self and not-me (there is no me!).

The expansion and purification of consciousness leads us from an individual mind to a universal no-mind. However, when both these are let go of, then a valuable, grounded paradox emerges.

The foreground of consciousness solidifies so that individuality and universality homogenize.
Individuality is purged, which frees us to realize the oneness of all things, which in turn allows a hybrid consciousness to appear. This is the living truth of the non-dual Reality - expressed by a universal-individual or Unividual - an authentic persona led by the abiding presence of Being.

This is consciousness, present as One but interwoven and inseparable from the physical dimension of form (the Two). You are then a conscious Human Being - or more specifically, a Human conscious of our Being.

Because over the last few years the meaning of non-duality has become distorted and confused, with innumerable claims of instant enlightenment and of 'Nothing to do... no one to be" scattered about like child's sweets, I have come up with a term which explains the paradoxical truth.

I call it One-duality.

One-duality is marked by the non-negation of all dimensions of being, including Being itself, for then an all-inclusive acceptance replaces the mind's tendency to finalize or pigeonhole ideas, beliefs, experiences and non-experiences.

The Unividual is neither ignorant nor enlightened, simply Awakening. There is no claim or label of being 'Awakened' because there is no ending to the infinite beings we really are.
So a Unividual is awakening to the living presence of their Soul.
A Soul which is a whole and a part, or a Whole-part.
You are a being of One-duality, a Soul, and an instrument of Authentic Action and Change in the world.
Bring it on!

Friday, November 27, 2015


Universal Intelligence is. You might call it God, the Divine, Truth, the Self, Awareness, Being or Pure Consciousness or by a myriad of other names. These are all labels, names, signposts and indicators to the Sole Cosmic Constant.

The wonderful thing is, if you choose, you can make your way closer to this infinite reality. More than that you can touch it's authenticity, and should you do so, your consciousness will be transformed forever.

When we are led by the ego, life is disconnected and shallow, always containing a sense of lack. It doesn't matter what you own or who you think you are, or who others think you are, for without this abiding Universal connection, you will seek to satisfy your ego in unsustainable ways. It's a bit like identifying who you are with your looks, a house or a car. All of these will dissolve. So the remedy is to seek that which doesn't fade or deteriorate with time. Therefore, the Soul-ution is to seek that which is timeless and beyond form.

When we recognize the reality of Universal Intelligence, there is no longer a choice. The only choice that remains is to cling to this as our identity. However, if we let go of the non-dual realization, then something magical (and ordinary!) happens.

Moving through the alignment and grounding of inner and outer being, Universal Intelligence is seen to be the key to the actualization of your Soul. There is nothing more you can do, give or share in this life than to manifest this proactive and transparent catalyst, for it provides the opportunity for the earthly incarnation of your Soul.


Here's a few paradoxical contemplations on the Soul from my new book YOU are THIS;
  • The authentic Soul is the manifestation of a Universal-Individual or Unividual.
  • The consciousness of the Soul lives duality knowing it to be the One.
  • The Soul is a conscious Whole and part simultaneously, a Whole-part, without separation.
  • No Soul is identical – yet all Souls are unified.
  • Souls are unique patterns of a singular Consciousness.
  • Awareness purges the personality so that the Soul may live it in earthly authenticity. 
  • While it is true the Soul is within you, it is also true that you are within your Soul.
  • You cannot remember to search for the Soul. You find it, and then you remember.
  • In Soulness (the consciousness of the Soul) the persona is lived, but without a follower
  • Only through the window of Awareness can the unique persona of the Soul be expressed
In short, when your consciousness becomes available to manifest the living presence of your Soul, you will be a conduit for the evolution of human consciousness. You are the answer. You are the SOUL-UTION!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Wednesday Dec 2, 2015 - A BIT OF INSPIRATION....

 Click to go to the page from 2nd Dec 2015


On Wednesday Dec 2, 2015, I will be the featured 'Inspirational Luminary' on INSPIRE ME TODAY sharing 500 words of inspiration with people across the globe in a short article on their website entitled
 '22 Steps Toward a Soulful Life'. This inspirational website features the contributions of people such as Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberte, Neale Donald Walsch, Marci Shimoff, and others.  
Please visit the site on Wednesday Dec 2, 2015 and help me spread the word. If my traffic, Facebook shares and website comments reach enough people, InspireMeToday will share my content with an additional 25 million people.
Here's the link to take you to the article:

So I hope you'll check it out, leave a comment and share it with your friends. 
Thank you in advance for your kind support. 
Together we really can inspire the world...

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

VISIONARY FICTION: The secret power of the written word...and how to do what you LOVE!

There is great value in a well told story, perhaps more than we realise. Any entertaining, well written novel which takes you out of the repetitive humdrum of everyday life is one thing, but what about expanding your consciousness? Is it possible to evolve from simply reading a fictional story? This is where the newly emerging category of ‘Visionary Fiction’ comes into play.

According to the website  (which I highly recommend you take a look at) the genre has three main characteristics:
 Growth of consciousness is the central theme of the story and drives the protagonist,
and/or other important characters.
 The story oftentimes uses reincarnation, dreams, visions, paranormal events, psychic
abilities, and other metaphysical plot devices.
 The plot [or story] is universal in its worldview and scope.

So by reading quality Visionary Fiction, you are effectively taking in spiritual and esoteric wisdom while at the same time having fun on the ride. Reading this type of material opens your heart and mind to new possibilities and potentials, or what futurist American Barbara Marx-Hubbard calls ‘conscious evolution’. James Redfield, Carlos Costenada and Kate Atkinson are all well-known authors who apply to this category and it’s sub-genres.

As an award-winning and Amazon #1 writer in the genre of non-fiction Spirituality, I was looking for a way to share esoteric wisdom with as wide an audience as possible. That’s how my new novel THE SOUL WHISPERER: A Tale of Hidden Truths & Unspoken Possibilities came about.

At the end of September 2013 I managed to take two weeks away from the bedlam of work. I needed a rest, and France was the ideal place to reinvigorate my spirit and clear my head. The first week was spent in a small house in the Montagne Noire of the Tarn, cleaning, gardening and going about general D.I.Y repairs. Each day (at high altitude) was a bit cold and grey and I have to admit, a touch depressing. After all, when you’re living in England, the last thing you want when you’re on holiday is rain! Was this damp outlook going to be the extent of my much needed break from running one of the largest spiritual retreat centres in
the UK?

By the end of the week, I moved out of the mountains, and into the sunnier climes of the Languedoc-Roussillon, staying at a lovely little 'gite' (cottage) hidden away in the heart of this beautiful countryside. It turned out to be the most amazing week of my life. The area of the French department of the Hérault is covered in stunning steep rock formations, crystalline rivers and the sweet scent of wild herbs carried on the warm breeze is never far away. It was so deliciously warm and dry.

As I unwound and relaxed, I was overcome by a sense of needing to write, which was in no way planned, and most unexpected. But I followed the deep sense, purchasing a decent pen and a couple of note books. I sat on the picnic bench of the sunny terrace and began to scribble, and within a couple of days, I’d filled the two notebooks. I brought all the local places into the story, and everything that happened became part of the esoteric fiction I was writing. Journeys and visits became part of that story, as did people and places, fitting together like a real life puzzle.

The stunning setting of Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert became the ideal backdrop. A truly magical village, a charming sun-kissed square filled with ancient houses made of golden amber stone. The village is surrounded by tall, overhanging rock faces, as if they’re protecting its secret history. The impressive but somewhat daunting Abbey, the ‘Devils’ bridge standing tall over the gorge, the dramatic caves of Clamouse… I was entranced.

A trip to Limoux enabled me to gather French names from the cemetery, and. parked up on the side of the road there, I sang an intuited chant, recording it with my Dictaphone… it all seemed to be part of the blossoming story.

I returned to the UK feeling fulfilled, and went back to work as usual. A few months later, an unexpected debacle at work led to many changes, including my departure. It was a difficult few months for all concerned. In the depths of not knowing what to do, I returned to my book. I started transcribing the notes from the two exercise books onto the laptop. Once I’d written the story-line, I contacted a few people, including a mainstream publisher. Each person responded positively, which gave me the encouragement I needed to spend the next 9 months working solidly on the manuscript. Following the perfume of the Soul, I found my
literary agent / manager to help with the novel and collaborated with a Grammy Award Winning producer (yes, the chants on the Dictaphone!) and a talented young script writer also joined the project.

Now, with a completed novel 'The Soul Whisperer' I am doing the work that I LOVE. Through words and music, I feel I am expressing the truth of who I am - and I can actually feel the resonance of that in my being. It's like the way ahead is flowing and clear, and that brings peace and fulfillment. It's as if that time in France guided me towards the clarity of my soul.

I think the most any one of us can do to grow is to find and follow what we LOVE, for in doing so we converge with the intelligence of the Soul. The true nature of the Soul works for the totality. So in following Soulness(the consciousness of the Soul), we all contribute uniquely, but simultaneously benefit the individual and the whole. I sincerely hope that anyone who reads this book receives fun, thrills and something ‘more’ for them individually, for that is the intention and the goal.

‘The Soul Whisperer: A Tale of Hidden Truths and Unspoken Possibilities’ is due for release on 26th February 2016:
Amazon UK -
Amazon U.S. -
YouTube book trailer:

For more information, visit the author’s official website:

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

THE SOUL WHISPERER - a novel of visionary fiction

I am pleased to announce that 'The Soul Whisperer: A Tale of Hidden Truths and Unspoken Possibilities’ is due for release on 26th February 2016:

Amazon U.S. -

Stephen Gawtry, Managing Editor of ‘Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine’ comments, “The Soul Whisperer has the potential to be a huge bestseller. In the same spiritual-adventure mold as The Da Vinci Code and The Celestine Prophecy, J. M. Harrison's novel is a rich and riveting read full of 'hidden truths and unspoken possibilities'.”

Author Wayne Hersche adds, “Is it possible that a secret cartel of top ranking  individuals are guilty of catastrophic greed  and extreme profiteering, manipulating  humanity for profit, promoting religious  differences, war and chaos…? Perhaps there is more to this book than just a great read…  “

What is real?

Our perception of reality arises from the dimension through which it is perceived.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

YOU are THIS - available for pre-orders.

YOU are THIS - Awakening to the Living Presence of Your Soul is due to be released by MANTRA Books on 29th January 2016. It is available now for pre-order on Amazon. com and  

Click here to direct to page.
And here for UK readers.

As it's very early days, the cover isn't even loaded yet, so here's an early preview:

"A conscious Soul knows that it is a Human, and our Being."

Friday, September 25, 2015


“Duality exists. Non-duality is existence. One-duality is the simultaneous realisation of the one, the two and the many.”

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Soul Stuff 2:

“Awareness bares great fruit – for it is the portal to Soulness, the consciousness of the authentic Soul."

Friday, September 11, 2015

Soul Stuff...

"Fear arises in consciousness when Love is forgotten."

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Who are You?

"Knowing what you really are doesn’t take place through the movement of the mind, but via the cessation of thought."

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The reason...?

"There’s a reason why you are who you are. Your role is to find that reason and to live it in the world wholeheartedly. That’s the authentic role of the Soul." 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Advice for writing your first novel...

I am pleased to let anyone interested know that I have two new books coming out in early 2016.
YOU are THIS - Awakening to the Living presence of your Soul is being published by Mantra.
And my first novel, THE SOUL WHISPERER is to be published by Roundfire Books.
Check out the YouTube book trailer by clicking on the bar above if you haven't already.

I'd like to pass on the following helpful hints to anyone trying to write a fictional novel;

1. Never give up - there are times when you want to give up or stop, but keep going.
2. Be yourself - tell the story in your own words. It's the story and characters (not your IQ) that readers are interested in.
3. Imagine and create with freedom - boundaries are often other people's concepts of what should be.
4. Don't copy another author's style - be true to who you are.
5. Keep it simple - over complicated plots and texts only disconnect the reader.
6. Read it aloud to yourself once finished, and re-write as necessary - recognize the rhythm of your prose.
7. Edit, edit and edit. When you've done that... edit. Most people tend to do the opposite.
8. Less is better, and more interesting - and keeps the reader engaged in your story.
9. Safeguard your manuscript on a stick and / or send by email - just sensible advice.
10. If you LOVE what you do, others will too.

Now get writing and good luck to you.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The power of synchronicity...

Each day we encounter meaningful coincidences but these are seldom recognised as the opportunities they really are.  We close our minds to what IS because we have already defined them as random appearances, or illogical impossibilities, because they are outside of the comfort zone of how we prefer to see reality. In doing so, we overlook the real meaning of these ‘coincidences’. Every synchronicity is a window to the dimension of the Soul.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Can we know the Divine?

What about God?

Only when you have let go of all the many names and
faces of God are you free. Then you realize the essence of
all being is God, for God is Being...

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Friday, March 20, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Over the last few decades, spiritual seekers have identified with their awakening experiences as being 'it', when these 'glimpses' are just the beginning of the expansion of consciousness from individual to universal. 

In reality we are beings of duality AND non-duality. They are BOTH needed, both sacred. To simply live in one or the other excludes and separates our inherent Wholeness. In truth we are multidimensional beings who can adapt and change to what is required of us in any given moment. We are Animal and we are Divine. That is our reality - and that is what we have constantly overlooked. 

The art of Wholeness is about remaining awake to the dimensions of Body, Mind, Spirit in any given moment. That is to say that I am this physical form called Jonathan, I have a unique personality and conditioned mind, and yet I am also conscious in sense and feeling that the Awareness present in me is also the very same Awareness in you. That underneath all the thoughts, memories and patterns in your mind there is the one essential intelligent ground of Being which is whole and loving. This is the 'Enlightened' Life Source we all came from and what we will all return to one day. 

So we are the same yet different. 
We are the One and the many.

If we can harness all that we are, remain aware and not attach ourselves to any one concept or possibility, then we may become liberated Souls living a conscious, unburdened existence, at one with the flow of Life itself.  


What is grace?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015

Saturday, March 14, 2015

WE ARE ALL ONE - Kindle promotion

A big THANK YOU to all those who took part in the Kindle promotion of - WE ARE ALL ONE - the end result was 9 Amazon#1 listings in 8 countries.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


"We Are All One. When we allow ourselves to become aware of this statement in its purest form, we open the doors to reveal the Oneness of Being. Using the process of conscious evolution we begin to recognize our true underlying identity, for once we have glimpsed the existence of this realm, we then begin to reveal what it is... our True natural state."

Saturday, February 21, 2015


I am not saying that I have realized the Self, for no ‘I’ could lay claim to such a 'thing'. But in glimpsing the Self I know that direct experience to be the route which led to the actualization of my Soul. 

Monday, February 16, 2015


The next paradigm of human consciousness will be neither individual nor universal. It will be a hybrid of the two, a holistic perspective wherein the individual knows themselves to exist as a unique entity, while allowing their actions and words to be steered and directed by the Heart stream of Universal consciousness. This is the consciousness of the Soul, and the path forward to global transformation should human beings collectively choose to consciously evolve.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Using our Friend the Ego

For many years, I spent my time deconstructing the ego and getting to the core of my identity.
When I arrived at the core, it was 'empty' of all individuality, for it was trans-personal Awareness which is anonymous. I described this in the best way I could in my book - 'NAKED BEING: Undressing your Mind, Transforming your Life' - 

'The human struggle is a search for Wholeness. We spend our lives trying to be complete. We begin by accumulating as much material wealth, status, power, honour and conditioned versions of 'success' as we possibly can, but in the end all of these are found to be lacking. None of them can be sustained, for they are mind-made creations. We realise that the meaning we seek is never going to be found outside of ourselves, and so we begin to search inside. When we delve deeply into our core, we find that our inner being is mystifyingly empty - empty of self. Within this emptiness, the fullness of LIFE is uncovered. From this non-dual awakening we see all 'things' as illusory because the world of form is recognised to be fleeting and in a sense 'unreal'. As awareness deepens, a real grounding and balancing of the poles of being occurs. The non-dual Spirit becomes established in the duality of the body and the world, providing a practical way for Naked Being to manifest. A rounded Wholeness arises from accepting the outer self to be the way your non-dual Nature is released into the world. You now know yourself to be a unique individual following the ONE essence of LIFE called Spirit.'

Now I find myself reconstructing the ego, in order to implement change and transformation in myself and others.
It's a strange ride, but a fulfilling one.
If we can become the pilot of the ego, we can use all that we are to make this world a better place.
So seek the core of the ego, uncover it's essence, and then allow your Heart to steer the ego in the world.
Such is the consciousness of the Soul, and the alchemy of a new world.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


That which we criticise, we already are, have already done, or will one day become. 

Monday, February 2, 2015


In this early part of the 21st century, human consciousness is rapidly changing across the planet. We are growing away from materialism and outdated corrupt social hierarchical systems, and looking for a real way forward. 

Hold on tight, for many things are going to collapse in the next twenty years. 

And yet the way 'out' is already here. This ‘already here’ paradigm is a hybrid stepping stone to a new way of thinking, living and being. I call it hybrid because this is what occurs when two ways of living (in this case the cultures of separation and Oneness) converge: a consciousness beyond dualism and non-dualism emerges, resulting in a multidimensional way of being and doing in the world.

Conceptualising something before it is accepted as being reality is no easy matter, but this next stage of human evolution signals the ending of the old mind of Homo Sapiens, and heralds the arrival of SOULNESS - the consciousness of the Soul, the mind of “Homo Novus”. It is the mind of the Soul because your Soul is the presently evolving dynamic dimension of you which knows itself to be inextricably connected to the singular and essential intelligence of Life. It is unique, diverse and yet interconnected. It has uniqueness, individuality and ego, but is void of ego as an identity because it does not cling to any one dimension of being. That means it doesn't cling to non-ego either. In accepting all that we are, we can experience all we may become. 

Soulness acts from an effortless yet discerning deep love, a love which arises from the self-knowledge that we are BOTH unique AND inseparable. It is the consciousness of convergence, a coming together of the holistic knowledge of the body, mind, and spirit realms of being. And it is something to celebrate, to dance with, to enjoy and to share.
The Soul acts from the core of who we are. It is ever-loving and aware, and has the ability to discern. Not all Soul-action is pink and fluffy, and yet all action comes from an undeniable awareness of the connected nature of all things.

There is a transformation going on in the world, a transformation being brought about by our desire to change coupled with an inherent nature to survive. If you follow the path of your Soul, you will be sharing a sacred, loving momentum that will support the present revolutionary change in human consciousness.

So share your Soul and help realise the goal! 

Friday, January 30, 2015

One-Duality of the Soul

We are Authentic when we see through and beyond individuality and Universality.

That we are both and neither, that is the key to this ‘new’ hybrid Holistic mind which denotes the presence of the consciousness of the soul or Soulness.

Let me explain. Pure Awareness (the pure minded Non-dual state) doesn't 'see' individuality. It cannot. So from the perspective of a Holistic Multidimensional being we could say that this 'view' is lacking, for it overrides our sense of individuality, which appears as a dream or illusory. 

And yet, as a fully functioning integrated human being we realise that we are a part, a whole and more. We are Dual, Non-Dual and more. We are Multidimensional beings; separate, inseparable and integrated. Limits and no limits – everything and nothing – here and everywhere; the acceptance of two opposing poles (the Dual and the Non-dual) supports the evolution of consciousness and our transcendence to Soulness.

Acceptance of All-That-We-Are arises from the realisation of the Non-dual, and yet any sense of Non-duality which ignores the sacred realm of Duality and the dynamic value of separation is incomplete and lacking. A sense of identity which ignores or excludes Duality is only half way to soul-realisation. 

To express Soulness in a simple equation, to find the answer to the dualities of 1+2, we had to create a ‘new’ figure 3. And yet if we look closely, the ‘new’ figure 3 is neither 1 nor 2 and yet is both 1 & 2  – and is therefore the transcendent sum. The ‘new’ figure arises from allowing the convergence of the two old figures. If we apply the same system of thought to the Polaric thought of the mind, we can see that momentum forward is produced once the two poles are accepted, for only then are they transcended by the ‘new’ which contains both the old and the new.

We could say the same applies with colour. One says black, the other white. So the ‘newly’ formed grey is the transcendent colour which holistically encompasses the two opposing poles. Both are in it, and neither are it.

And it is the same in consciousness with the integration of Individual and Universal identities. Neither is complete. The Dual excludes the Universal, and the Non-dual excludes the ego. However, once the two are seen and accepted, they converge to produce the ‘new’ hybrid consciousness, the consciousness of the Soul or Soulness. 

It is beyond the Dual and the Non-dual - and I call it the One-Duality of the Soul.

Monday, January 26, 2015


Every single one of us has a purpose, a reason to be. We may not see it yet, and we may at times be misled or confused by the mind-set of ourselves and others. 
Life is a journey, a step at a time. We all get lost, we all fall down. Accept this as part of the flow of life. 
But we can all get back up. Sometimes we feel we can’t, and that 'life' is too much. But this is when we’re surrounded by doubt and fear. The fear of not knowing.
If we don’t give up, we can find the strength to accept and embrace the wonderful possibility of change.
We each need to experience the dark side of life to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, the beautiful mystery that we are ALL a part of.
We are not what we appear to be. We are much, much more.
We can each do something unique and fulfilling if we find and follow our true path and naturally connect with our inner and outer purpose.
If you follow the rich rewarding abundance of your human spirit, then you will do things that inspire yourself and others. You will be living the journey of your Soul. 
Find what you love, and follow it. See it through with your entire being and you will discover a life of value and worth you could never imagine possible.
Go for it!